03 July 2008

.. a belt from mayle.

mayle belt
I've enjoyed looking at the collection (and the occasional purchase) from Mayle over the years. The truth is, most of her styles are not cut right for me- but that doesn't stop me from always being on the lookout for a piece that is 'me'. This belt is my latest Mayle purchase and I am in love. It just so happens the pink/orange matched my toenail polish when i tried it on- a sign right!
ps. find the code for discount here.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE MAYLE! and I just found out she is going out of business in february... im so sad. Buy up all that you can before then!

l u c y. said...

It's so funny you say that. I just had done a post this morning on Mayle's departure- I am sad as well.
Must start planing my last piece(s).
Good luck to you!